Procurement Solutions - @ Power of Internet

Wednesday 13 May 2015

5 Avenues to find best Hospitality Professionals

Hospitality Industry is largely service centric. The quality of services a hotel provides to its guests can make or break its reputation.

If we talk about numbers, Hospitality contributes 12.4% to the country’s employment chart. As per the Ministry of External Affairs, Indian hospitality sector is growing at the rate of 14% aggregated annually. As the industry grows, so does the need for talent.

And when one talks about best Hospitality talent – first country that comes to my mind is - INDIA.

Hospitality is imbibed in us Indians since our childhood. Even our culture says “atithi devo bhav” (guest is god).

Still, finding the best talent, fitting ones exact needs can be a tricky affair.

Hotels across the world are making use of state of the art technologies to attract right talent.

Let’s look at some of the avenues you can use to attract best talent:
  • Social Networks
    • Be it attracting customers or attracting employees, you can’t overlook the power of social media.
    • Many HR managers across the world have made LinkedIn a permanent tool in their arsenals. Even Facebook is often used to find good talent on a short notice.
    •  As for employees, they can benefit from portals like Glass-Door to get a good idea of work culture in company of their choice.
  • Campus Interviews
    • When ‘Catch them early” is the call.
    • Advantage with this is that you can get some really bright students full of vigor and determination at fairly decent salaries.
    • Training of the resources is a huge responsibility in such cases. Not to forget time and money involved in visiting campuses.
  • Career Expo
    • Career expo or job fair is yet another hunting place for recruiters.
    • This is an age old, tried and tested avenue. Job seekers from every nook and cranny come to such expos. Easily, career expos are the best place to gather primary data on job market and to personally meet potential recruits.
  • Human Resource Management Systems
    • These include some of the most hi-tech and widely used systems and software.
    • Taleo, Oracle, Kenexa from IBM, Lumesse include some of these. They take care of most of your recruitment needs and make data available at one spot. 
    • Well-known firms like eQuest, Broadbean etc. sell high-quality data-analytic tools to boost the recruitment process.
  • Online Portals
    • Portals like naukri, monster etc. have become an inclusive part of almost every company.
    • This is a common step almost every recruiter takes while selecting candidates.

A good HR personnel makes use of a mix of above mentioned alternatives to come up with an effective recruitment strategy.

I wish everyone a good and successful recruitment process.
Happy Talent Search!

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