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Wednesday 6 May 2015

7 Commandments to Successful Hotel–Supplier Relation

Hospitality industry is probably the most customer centric industry possible. Whatever an hotelier does is keeping the guests in mind.

But we don't live in an ideal world. Do we?

Tastes and preferences of guests can be as distinguished as day from night!

As such, an hotelier needs to be always running around to ensure every wimp and fancy of guests is taken care of.

In such a scenario a trusted and efficient set of suppliers can be a boon. If an hotelier is able to select good set of suppliers, half the battle is won! Isn't it.

Hotel and supplier’s relation is one of trust and mutual respect. They are like two sides of same coin, with common purpose of serving the end consumer.

A supplier taking care of a few simple attributes can help hotels a great deal. Let’s try to understand some of these attributes:
  1.     For a supplier, Respecting quality and time frame of demand is most important. Nothing can hamper a relation the way last minute cancellation can.
  2.     A supplier, who is ahead of industry curve and can provide new and innovative products continuously is ensuring that he leaves a permanent stamp in a hotelier’s mind.
  3.     A supplier who is well connected in the industry can ensure even the trickiest demands of hotels are met. Such a suppliers is an asset that no hotel will want to part with.
  4.     A supplier needs to ensure that he/ she complies with all the necessary certifications and quality control checks as stated by the government.
  5.     A supplier willing to be flexible as per hotel’s requirements earns added respect and gratitude in hotel’s eyes. Hotels generally ensure that such a supplier grows with them.
  6.     Framing an object-oriented policy and using latest technology in business always proves to be beneficial for both Hotels and Suppliers.
  7. An ideal supplier is one that sees itself as a business partner rather than just provider of goods. Suppliers are a very important part of hospitality value chain, it’s important that they consider themselves that way too.
In totality, Hospitality Industry is like a giant cob-wheel, with hoteliers and suppliers different instruments in it. A cob-wheel can’t function if either part breaks loose, so is true for Hospitality Industry too.

As far as maintaining relation is concerned, it’s simple, respect each other and deliver your best to the end consumers.

Hotels, maintain an healthy relationship with your Suppliers and work towards the best!

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